E-Drive Technology
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RF Sensors

26 May, 2019

EDT SmartSense RF receivers and sensors are fully integrated with the SmartLog5 in-vehicle tracker to display real-time sensor data. EDT’s WorldFleetLog Web application provides detailed and summarized sensor activity reports. See also: RF Sensors.

Sensor Types

  • Analog temperature/humidity sensors
  • Digital sensors - to track open door/close door valves, or any other binary action
  • RF ID tags to identify multiple trailers in the field

Applications and Solutions

  • Use SmartSense RF sensors for the following applications and solutions:
  • Use door and temperature sensors as part of a complete cold chain storage and delivery solution for perishables such as food and pharmaceuticals
  • Manage beverage cooler status and use over large, remote geographical areas
  • Manage chemical and fertilizer application rates as part of EDT’s overall agriculture solution set
  • Use where direct wiring may not be feasable
  • Save time with simplified sensor installations

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