E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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News & Events

RF Sensors

26 May, 2019
EDT has launched a line of versatile RF sensors to address a variety of in-the-field applications.


WorldFleetLog Version 3.20

19 May, 2019
EDT response to customer demands is a cornerstone of the relationship with our distributor network. The release of WorldFleetLog Version 3.20 includes the implementation of many new customized solutions based on such requests.
In this release...

EDT Announces Mobile DVR Solution

2 June, 2019
The EDT Digital Video Recorder is the latest addition to EDT’s suite of fleet, fuel, and asset management solutions. The EDT DVR System is fully integrated with WorldFleetLog. This allows fleet and asset managers direct access to the live video feed from each vehicle or asset listed in WorldFleetLog.

EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

EDT Solutions

Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
Security & Safety

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