E-Drive Technology signed an agreement with ITMobile Europe to mutually invest (estimated at a $100,000 investment) and establish an enhanced Web Based site for both Online & Offline Fleet Tracking and Management applications in the Netherland as well as the West European market. The new site will provide an uptime of 99.8% with enhanced performance based on Powerful Virtual Servers and NetApp Storage.
WorldFleetLog™ – EDT's hosted management software, allows distributors and fleet mangers a remote access to their own fleets and data bases thus significantly saving set-up costs since no hardware and software investments are required other than the Smart Log / Fleet Log tracking devices installed in the vehicles.
WorldFleetLog™ is also the software platform used for current MRM (Mobile Resource Management) applications based on EDT's Two-Way communication devices, as well as Fuel Log? applications that allow for accurate monitoring of fuel dispensed into the vehicles only by authorized cars and drivers.