E-Drive Technology
Automotive Telematics, Fleet Management and Fuel Management Systems

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Fleet Management Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of computer system do I need to Use EDT’s fleet management and fuel management systems?
EDT’s fleet and fuel management solutions are completely integrated with WorldFleetLog. WorldFleetLog is EDT’s comprehensive cloud-based application to display and manage data compiled from EDT’s fleet and fuel management products. The only requirement for using WorldFleetLog is a computer that supports the latest Web browsers.
Where do EDT’s fleet and fuel management systems work?
EDT’s fleet and fuel management solutions are completely integrated with WorldFleetLog. WorldFleetLog is EDT’s comprehensive Web-based application to display and manage data compiled from EDT’s fleet and fuel management products. Generated reports based on user-defined parameters and current GPS coordinates are easily accessed via a dedicated website to be viewed by designated fleet managers, anywhere in the world.
How many vehicles can be tracked at one time?
WorldFleetLog supports more than 15,000 online vehicles on each ASP site. Some of our largest customers have over 1,000 vehicles on their systems.
How are vehicle components installed? Is there more than one option?
Vehicle components may be installed using any of the following options:
• Self installation with detailed self install kit and help desk support
• Certified dealer installation or manufacturer installation
• EDT can also train key employees to ensure complete transfer of knowledge.
How many region groups or vehicle groups can be established with WorldFleetLog? Can region groups or vehicle groups be modified?
There is no region or group limitation with WorldFleetLog and EDT’s integrated products. With WorldFleetLog, you can define and modify organizational user groups (with infinite sub-groups) and regions. For example, a municipality might have several groups such as police, fire, road maintenance, etc. Within each group, you can create a new hierarchy of subgroups that is region and group based.
Are there restrictions to the number of assets that can be monitored?
WorldFleetLog has no restriction on the number of assets that can be monitored. Authorized users can implement various group and region filters to view specific information.
How is user access established? What are the different levels of security?
The system administrator establishes your organization’s access rights based on your security parameters and requirements. An individual’s group membership determines user access rights to WorldFleetLog parameters.
What mapping design does your product utilize? What information or detail can be added or customized on these maps?
WorldFleetLog supports Google Maps and Open Street Maps with built-in advanced ArcIMS map engine supports vector and scanned maps and map information from all map vendors. Map tools include zoom, pan, address search, add customer POI, as well as map layers, job assignments, etc.
WorldFleetLog features real time online tracking with full map support.

EDT Products

Fleet Management Software
Fleet Management System
Fuel Management System
Automotive Telematics
Vehicle Telematics
Online Vehicle Tracking

EDT Solutions

Fleet Management Solutions
Fleet Management Systems
Fuel Management Solutions
Fuel Management Systems
Security & Safety

Customer Support

Fleet Management Solutions - FAQ
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EDT Overview